Monday, December 2, 2013

SOCIAL STUDIES - 3rd Quarter - LT

Social Studies - 3rd Quarter LT

Lesson 9: Economic Decisions

2 Conflicting Conditions in the Economy:
1.        Scarcity – natural condition prevailing in every country
- reason why we need to maximize the use of our resources
2.        Shortage – temporary condition
-caused by the manipulation of some individuals resulting to an artificial shortage of goods
HOARDING – keeping the supply of goods and wait for the price to increase
CARTEL – group of businessmen who manipulate and control distribution, consumption, and pricing of a certain product

Economic  Problems:

PRODUCTION – process of using resources to produce goods and services
DISTRIBUTION – distributing the goods and services to the different sectors of the economy

Allocating the Resources:

Allocation – mechanism that deals with the distribution of natural, human, and physical resources to diverse uses in order to answer the problem of scarcity
                Ex: Market – one of the most important mechanisms of allocation
                                - it shows how resources are being used in the production

3 Steps to Make Resources Extensive:
1.        effective, orderly, wise use of it
2.        investment
3.        use of modern technology

Conservation – wise use of natural resources

The Nature of Economic Systems
ECONOMIC SYSTEMS – covers the structure of governance composed of institutions and mechanisms that deal with different economic activities that will answer the basic questions on the needs of an economy

3 Types of Economic Systems:


• Answers the economic problems based on the customs, traditions, beliefs, and norms of the society
• They know their roles in the society
•They can’t have the goods and services they want
•They decide on the goods to be produced
• Practiced by primitive people and tribes

Individuals and private sectors make decisions to answer the WHAT, HOW and FOR WHOM to produce in the economy

• MARKET- arrangement between sellers and buyers to make transaction

- economic and political system that deals with extensive land ownership
- basis of man’s power depends on the ownership of extensive land
-LANDLORD (Feudal lord)
-VASSALS (military servants)
- FIEF –land that is rewarded to vassals in return of their service
-MANOR – center of agricultural economy during manorial system
serf – farmers and slaves
-weakened when towns and trade were developed


- 16th – 18th century; Europe
- power and supremacy of a country depends on the possession of gold and silver
- accumulation of gold & silver through colonization of weaker countries
Ex: Britain, Netherlands, France, and Spain

- ownership of land, capital, labor and entrepreneur are the factors of production in the hands of private sectors or individuals
- Industrial Revolution (paved way for the recognition of rights of private sectors in developing industries

-Adam Smithlaissez faire doctrine
-underscores important role of private sectors in economic development
-popularized Capitalism

1.        Ownership of Resources and Wealth
- freedom to accumulate wealth
2.        Decision-making
-decentralized (make their own decision)
3.        Pricing
-based on the prevailing price in the market


• State has the sole responsibility in solving economic problems
•Decisions come from the authority, people are expected to abide

-state controls and owns all the industries and resources of the country
- CENTRAL PLANNING BOARD – plans & decides
Karl Marx –socialist who believed in the equality of people
- wanted a classless society to give the working class (ploretariat) the power to lead
-wrote “Das Kapital” (bible of communism) & “Communist Manifesto” (with Friedrich Engel; caused the spread of Communism)
- “Father of Communism”

Ex: Nicolai Lenin (Russia)
Mao Tze-tung (China)
Ho Chi Min (Vietnam)
-combination of capitalism & communism
-main industries are controlled by the state
-individuals are allowed to own small industries which the states can interfere
-collective ownership
- people receive equal benefits from the state
-started in France and Great Britain; 1830

Robert Owen capitalist; first to use the term “socialism”
-established Utopian Socialism based on the principle of Thomas Mores “Utopia” or ideal society
-resources and industries are controlled and owned by the state under a dictator
-dictator decides all activities in the state
-importation of goods, labor unions & strikes are not allowed
-“The people are for the state, not the state for the people”

Benito Mussolini – started facism in Italy, 1922
-established Fascist Party

Adolf Hitler introduced facism to Germany

Lesson 11: Production Linkages

PRODUCTION – process of using the resources to produce goods and services that satisfy the needs and wants of individuals and businesses

Factors of Production
                •Anything that is used to produce goods and services

• encompasses all natural resources that contribute to production
• natural factor – where raw materials come from
Rent – payment for use of land, received by landlords
• human abilities
•physical or mental talents, abilities and strengths of the people used in production
Wages – money received as payment for their service
•produce goods used to produce other goods
•material things created by man, used in production

FINANCIAL CAPITAL – money used to buy machineries
Interest – received by capitalist for lending his money used in production
• person who has managerial ability and willing to accept risk in entering into a business

INVESTMENT – addition of productive capital in business
Profit – payment after deducting all expenses in business operation
Importance: Goods and Services

Lesson 12: The Concept of Demand

DEMAND – number of goods and services that consumers are willing and able to buy at alternative prices at a given period of time

Relationship between Price and Demand can be described in….
1.        Demand Function
-mathematical expression of the relationship of Quantity Demanded (Qd) – dependent variable and  Price (P) –independent variable
-shows inverse relationship of Qd and P
2.        Demand Schedule
-table showing the units of the product, which the consumer is willing to buy at different prices
-as price increases, demand decreases if all other factors remain constant
-ceteris paribus “all other things remain constant”
3.        Demand Curve
-graphical representation of the inverse relationship of P and Qd
- line represents demand curve
4.        Law of Demand
-explains how people react every time prices change in terms of the quantities of the product they purchase
-as price increases, the quantity which the buyer is willing to buy will be lesser

5.        Market Demand
-combination of all demands of the consumers

Determinants of Demand
1.        Population
2.        Income
NORMAL GOODS –goods, for which the demand increases as income increases
INFERIOR GOODS – goods, for which the demand does not increase even when income increases
3.        Expectation
- calamity, war…
-when consumers hear about a discord/trouble, how will they react?
4.        Occasion
Price of Related Products
Price of Substitute Goods
6.        Price of Complementary Goods
7.        Preference
8.        Price

Graphical Representation of Effects of Demand Factors / Kinds of Demand Curve

• ince increase – speculation
• preference
• expectation

Screenshot 2013-11-27 20.05.36(3).pngNEGATIVE –SHIFT DEMAND

• income decrease
• price increase


• increase in price alone
• decrease in Qd (with increase in price)



Screenshot 2013-11-27 20.05.36(3).pngDOWNWARD DEMAND CURVE

• decrease in price alone
• greater Qd (with decrease or increase in price)

Shift of the Demand Curve

                Factors that Can Shift the Demand to the RIGHT: (increase in Demand)
- increase in income
-product preference
-expectation and speculation
-increase in number of consumers
-price decrease of a complementary product

Lesson 13: Elasticity Demand

Price Elasticity of Demand degree of responsiveness of demand with a change in price


Note: E answers are all in ABSOLUTE VALUE; 2 decimal places for final answer

Kinds of Elasticity

1)       INELASTIC
-consumer’s response is less than percent change
-E < 1.0
- %AQ < % P
-steep slope of graph

- demand does not change at any price
- E = 0
- %Q = 0
- vertical slope of graph

3)       ELASTIC
-demand changes in price
- %Q > %P
- E >1.0
- nearly flat slope of graph

-demand changes even with no price change
- %P = 0
- E = undefined
-horizontal slope of graph

5)       UNITARY
-demand will decrease by 1 % when there is 1% increase
-E = 1
-%P = 1 = Qd